Showing posts with label Semasa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Semasa. Show all posts

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Wow! Israel too!

Assalamu’alaikum and Good evening to my friends all over the World. I’m really welcomed to my pals out there to visit my blog. Really appreciate all of you! ^_~

Eventhough 99% out of contents in this blog was written in Malay  language, still there are visitors from Western country. 

And moreover, what I’m really and really impressed is seeing that there are viewers from Israel into my blog too! Hah, do you understand what I’m saying actually? ~_~ If you are Muslims like me a very warm welcome I inviting you here! Salamullahu ‘alaik!!

Anyway, it’s ok for me to have such quite a lot of foreign visitors. Again, I’m really appreciating it! Even if we are different in believes and thoughts but it doesn’t wrong for us to learn something from others right? If any of you want me to translate any of my entry I’m glad to do that. There always open space for you guys to leave your comment at each of my entries ^_^

By the way, I dedicate these songs for you;

And I’m really hope that Palestine will be freed SO SOON…

Di Mana Tanda Setiamu?

Tiada lagi yang bertanya
Tiada lagi yang peduli
Malam dan siang serupa
Tiada bulan tiada mentari

Gelap gelita di sini
Sama gelitanya hati
Hidup hari ke sehari
Esok yang indah umpama mimpi

Bebunga yang baru berputik
Berguguran di setiap detik
Di mana tanda setia saudara
Di himpit derita tiada siapa
Sedia membela
ohh ohhhh.

Biar terbatas langkah
Tiada yang menyebelahi
Demi satu amanah
Semangat membara berapi